How to Join the Graduate Programme

For new members to be included in The Graduate Programme for In Vivo Pharmacology and Experimental Animals (IVP), we need the following:

PhD program's rules regarding admission:

Recipients of LIFEPHARM fellowships are automatically registered in the PhD Program upon enrollment at SUNDs PhD school.

For non-LIFEPHARM fellows admission at SUNDs PhD school, a request for approval should be forwarded by the coming main supervisor to the Head of the Graduate Programme as part of the PhD application.

The approval is assessed on the basis of:

1. project with sufficient in vivo pharmacological or toxicological content and relevance.

2. recommendation for admission from the supervisor (s).

Admission is decided by the Head of the Graduate Programme (Prof Jens Lykkesfeldt), but may be submitted to the IVP Board as well.

IVP curriculum:

The Curriculum for a Ph.D. student registered at IVP is encompassed to the PhD rules and regulations for the PhD School at the employing university or faculty as well as the following IVP rules:

1. Completion of a Laboratory Animal Science - EU Function ABD Licence (previously Cat. C licence) (11 ECTS credits). 

2. Completion of course in In Vivo Pharmacology (6 ECTS)

3. Completion of course in Statistics (6-11 ECTS)

4. Active participation in other IVP events, such as IVP annual meeting (March every year)

Already completed courses can be accredited.

Upon completed PhD training a diploma from the Graduate Programme will be issued. Further information about IVP can be found on

Contact: The In Vivo Pharmacology Graduate Programme for more info.